Children's Education

Religious Education-Holy Rosary


Children's Classroom Sessions
This year we’re offering 2 sessions of Religious Education: Sunday mornings & Wednesday evenings. 

  • SUNDAYS - First Student Session begins Sunday, September 8 - 10:00-11:00am 
  • WEDNESDAYS - First Student Session begins Wednesday, September 11 6:30–7:30pm  

WHERE: in the School Classrooms 
Enter the school through the door closest to the Women’s restroom in the Atrium.
Parents must drop off and pick up children each week at that door.

Family Formation Sessions
One family activities session is scheduled during the year. This session will be open to all parish families (not just those in religious education). It's intended for the whole family to come and participate in some fun learning activities about the Church and our traditions.
WHENSunday, August 25, 2024
Families may arrive anytime between 10:00 & 11:30am and stay as long as they want until 12:15pm. There will be stations available for families to learn together.

All children in Grade 2 and older who would like to celebrate the Sacraments of First Confession and First Holy Communion should register in Religious Education classes. An additional schedule for the Sacraments will be given out the first weeks of class.
Children wanting to make their First Communion ideally have participated in Religious Education for at least one year. Sacrament students should make every attempt to attend all sessions.
First Confession is scheduled for Saturday, TBA, 2024, at 10:00am.
First Holy Communion is scheduled for Sunday, May 4, 2025.
            May 4:     12:30pm Mass (in Spanish)
                             6:00pm Mass (in English) 


  • Religious Education Highlights for Current Year - Ages 5 - Grade 8 (Download PDF)
  • Religious Education Schedule (Download PDF)
  • Religious Education Registration Form (Download PDF) - REGISTER ONLINE NOW


As we resume programs for the year, there are many places for which we're in need of ministry volunteers.
If something interests you, or you want more information, please contact Carol Ann or, simply REGISTER HERE to volunteer.

  • Religious Education Catechist (Teachers) and Aides for our Sunday morning program. We meet most Sundays a month, beginning in September through the end of April. English, Spanish and Bilingual volunteers are encouraged. It's preferred that the lower grades (Pre-K, Kindergarten & Grade 1) have teachers who are bilingual. The older grades (Grade 3 & up) can be only English-speaking, but bilingual is helpful.
  • Families at the Door: Sunday mornings from about 10:50am – 12:10pm. Volunteers can volunteer 1 week a month (or be present every week). Bilingual is helpful. Please contact Carol Ann if you are able to help. 
  • Liturgy of the Word for Children: Sundays mornings, during the 9:00am Mass in English and 12:30pm Mass in Spanish. We’re looking for adults as well as youth in grades 7-12 who might be interested in leading faith discussions based on the Sunday readings with children ages 4–7. Materials and training provided. Volunteers would ideally be scheduled 1x a month. Adults must complete Safe Environment Training.
  • Family Formation Event Planning Committee: We're looking for a group of people interested in planning Family Events during the year. These events would happen on Sundays and be open to all parish families. 
  • Family Formation Website Contributors: We would like to create a webpage that provides families with ways of living out their faith on a monthly basis. We're looking for volunteers to help find creative ideas connected the Seasons of the Church year. 


Have questions about our Religious Education programs?
Please contact Carol Ann Gaddis by email or phone at the parish office (812-477-8923).