Mass Times

Saturday: 4:30pm - in English
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am - in English
& 12:30pm - in Spanish

Mon, Wed, Thu & Fri: 8:00am - English
Tuesday: 6:00pm - English
Wednesday: 6:00pm - Spanish

Tuesday: 5:00-5:30pm
Wednesday: 5:00-5:30pm
Saturday: 3:00-4:00pm
or by appointment

Office Hours

The Parish Office (Door #12) is open
8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday

Our Mission

Holy Rosary Catholic Church is a faith community of disciples of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to know, love and serve God on our pilgrim journey to the kingdom of heaven.  Learn more...

Holy Rosary Catholic Church es una comunidad de fe de discípulos de Jesucristo. Guiados por el Espíritu Santo, buscamos conocer, amar y servir a Dios en nuestro viaje peregrino al reino de los cielos. Aprende más...

Pastor's Column

Dear friends,
One of the ways that I see God’s grace active in our midst is the generosity I witness in our people. After all these years here at Holy Rosary, I still marvel at the number of ministries and outreach provided by generous volunteers here at the parish. And this type of service is not the only way I witness the goodness of our people. Last weekend you opened your hearts and wallets to those suffering the effects of recent hurricanes. You raised $7,722 with the second collection.
God bless you.
Fr. Bernie

Queridos amigos,
Una de las formas en que veo la gracia de Dios activa entre nosotros es la generosidad que puedo presenciar en nuestra gente. Después de todos estos años aquí en Holy Rosary, todavía me maravillo de la cantidad de ministerios y ayuda brindada por generosos voluntarios aquí en la parroquia. Y este tipo de servicio no es la única forma en que soy testigo de la bondad de nuestra gente. El fin de semana pasado abrieron sus corazones y billeteras a quienes sufren los efectos de los recientes huracanes. Recaudamos $7,722 con la segunda colecta.
Dios lo bendiga.
P. Bernie

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Pray for Peace in the Holy Land

Pope Francis is asking all Christians toPrayer4Peace
put themselves "...at the service of humanity" by
praying and fasting for peace
in the Holy Land and around the world.

Read more here
Join us, Holy Rosary family!

Bulletins in English & Spanish

Holy Rosary bulletin in English
CLICK HERE to view our Bulletin in English
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Spanish bulletins - Holy Rosary

Da CLICK AQUÍ para ver neustro boletín en Español.

Elements of the Catholic Mass

Holy Rosary App

App Store - WeConnect Parish App WeConnect Parish app - Google Play Store - Holy Rosary

La Misa Explicada

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." -Pope John XXIII