Mass Times

Saturday: 4:30pm - in English
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am - in English
& 12:30pm - in Spanish
& 6:00pm - in English

M, W, TH & F at 8:00am - English
Tuesday: 6:00pm - English
Wednesday: 6:00pm - in Spanish

Tuesday: 5:00-5:30pm
Wednesday: 5:00-5:30pm
Saturday: 3:00-4:00pm

Office Hours

The Parish Office (Door #12) is open
8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday

Our Mission

Holy Rosary Catholic Church is a faith community of disciples of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to know, love and serve God on our pilgrim journey to the kingdom of heaven.  Learn more...

Holy Rosary Catholic Church es una comunidad de fe de discípulos de Jesucristo. Guiados por el Espíritu Santo, buscamos conocer, amar y servir a Dios en nuestro viaje peregrino al reino de los cielos. Aprende más...

Pastor's Column

Dear Friends,
This past Monday I had the opportunity to join some families to observe the total eclipse. I have to confess, I was not all in on the hype around the event. I was really surprised when reports started coming in last month about an expected influx of 80,000 visitors to the Evansville area, all seeking to have a better viewing of the eclipse. There were also prognosticators suggesting snarled traffic, over run restaurants and no vacancies in hotels. I found it all a bit hard to believe. That said, it was a wonderful natural phenomenon which I was grateful to experience.

As the pinnacle of the eclipse unfolded, my mind wondered to the Eucharist. Perhaps the corona triggered an image of the elevated Eucharist in the consecration during Mass. I pondered the magnificence of what we encounter every time we gather around the Altar and celebrate the Eucharist. This supernatural gift of God Himself far surpasses the wonders of the phenomena of nature. What a blessed invitation we have each Sunday to gather as family and celebrate Christ among us, especially in the Eucharist.

In Christ’s peace,
Fr. Bernie

Queridos amigos,
El lunes pasado tuve la oportunidad de unirme algunas familias para observar el eclipse total. Debo confesar que no estaba del todo entusiasmado con el evento. Me sorprendió mucho cuando el mes pasado comenzaron a llegar informes sobre una afluencia esperada de 80.000 visitantes al área de Evansville, todos buscando tener una mejor visión del eclipse. También hubo pronosticadores que sugerían tráfico congestionado, restaurantes saturados y no había habitaciones libres en los hoteles. Todo me resultó un poco difícil de creer. Dicho esto, fue un fenómeno natural maravilloso que agradecí experimentar.

Mientras se desarrollaba el pináculo del eclipse, mi mente se preguntaba por la Eucaristía. Quizás la corona desencadenó una imagen de la Eucaristía elevada en la consagración durante la Misa. Reflexioné sobre la magnificencia de lo que encontramos cada vez que nos reunimos alrededor del Altar y celebramos la Eucaristía. Este don sobrenatural de Dios mismo, supera con creces las maravillas de los fenómenos de la naturaleza. Qué bendita invitación tenemos cada domingo para reunirnos como familia y celebrar a Cristo entre nosotros, especialmente en la Eucaristía.

En la paz de Cristo,
P. Bernie

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Elements of the Catholic Mass

La Misa Explicada

Daily Mass Live Streamed

Monday Morning Mass 04-15-24

CLICK HERE to watch & subscribe to our YouTube channel: Holy Rosary Catholic Church EVV

Sunday Morning Mass 04-14-24

CLICK HERE to watch & subscribe to our YouTube channel: Holy Rosary Catholic Church EVV

Friday Morning Mass 04-12-24

CLICK HERE to watch & subscribe to our YouTube channel: Holy Rosary Catholic Church EVV

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." -Pope John XXIII