Mass Times

Saturday: 4:30pm - in English
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am - in English
& 12:30pm - in Spanish
& 6:00pm - in English

M, W, TH & F at 8:00am - English
Tuesday: 6:00pm - English
Wednesday: 6:00pm - in Spanish

Tuesday: 5:00-5:30pm
Wednesday: 5:00-5:30pm
Saturday: 3:00-4:00pm

Office Hours

The Parish Office (Door #12) is open
8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday

Our Mission

Holy Rosary Catholic Church is a faith community of disciples of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we seek to know, love and serve God on our pilgrim journey to the kingdom of heaven.  Learn more...

Holy Rosary Catholic Church es una comunidad de fe de discípulos de Jesucristo. Guiados por el Espíritu Santo, buscamos conocer, amar y servir a Dios en nuestro viaje peregrino al reino de los cielos. Aprende más...

Pastor's Column

Dear Friends,
A few weeks ago, Holy Rosary parish was blessed to receive 24 people into the Church at the Easter Vigil. This was the culmination of many months of prayer, study and discernment that started with a tug at their heart from the Lord and some faithful encouragement from a friend or loved one…. Since the Easter Vigil, I have thought quite a bit about the potential in our midst. Honestly, if each one of us would reach out to one of our parishioners that have been away from the church a while, we could double the mass attendance in no time.

We hear from Jesus, “I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance” - Luke 15:7. As disciples, we are called to lead others to Christ. Do you know a “lost sheep” in need of reconnecting with the flock? Have you attempted to engage a nonbeliever and introduce them to Jesus? Who have you influenced in their faith journey? Could you give a good account if Peter raised that question at the gates of Heaven? Now is the time to begin reaching out.

Our OCIA/RCIA program will be starting up again in a few months with the Inquiry process. We have tremendous potential in our midst and leading others to the faith is a priority of our baptism. How are we doing individually and collectively in this regard?
Christ’s peace,
Fr. Bernie

Queridos amigos,
Hace unas semanas, la Parroquia de Holy Rosary fue bendecida al recibir a 24 personas en la Iglesia durante la Vigilia Pascual. Esta fue la culminación de muchos meses de oración, estudio y discernimiento que comenzaron con un tirón en su corazón por parte del Señor y un fiel aliento de un amigo o ser querido... Desde la Vigilia Pascual, he pensado bastante en la potencial entre nosotros. Honestamente, si cada uno de nosotros se comunicara con uno de nuestros feligreses que ha estado fuera de la iglesia por un tiempo, podríamos duplicar la asistencia a misa en poco tiempo.

Escuchamos de Jesús: “Os digo que de la misma manera habrá más alegría en el cielo por un pecador que se arrepiente, que por noventa y nueve justos que no tienen necesidad de arrepentirse”. Lucas 15:7. Como discípulos, estamos llamados a llevar a otros a Cristo. ¿Conoce a alguna “oveja perdida” que necesita reconectarse con el rebaño? ¿Ha intentado involucrar a un no creyente y presentarle a Jesús? ¿A quién ha influido en su camino de fe? ¿Podrías dar buena cuenta si Pedro planteara esas preguntas a las puertas del Cielo? Ahora es el momento de empezar a tender la mano.

Nuestro programa OCIA se pondrá en marcha nuevamente en unos meses con el proceso de Consulta. Tenemos un tremendo potencial entre nosotros y llevar a otros a la fe es una prioridad de nuestro bautismo. ¿Cómo vamos individual y colectivamente en este sentido?
La paz de Cristo,
P. Bernie

Bulletins in English & Spanish

Holy Rosary bulletin in English
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Elements of the Catholic Mass

La Misa Explicada

Daily Mass Live Streamed

Monday Morning Mass 04-22-24

CLICK HERE to watch & subscribe to our YouTube channel: Holy Rosary Catholic Church EVV

Sunday Morning Mass 04-21-24

CLICK HERE to watch & subscribe to our YouTube channel: Holy Rosary Catholic Church EVV

Friday Morning Mass 04-19-24

CLICK HERE to watch & subscribe to our YouTube channel: Holy Rosary Catholic Church EVV

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." -Pope John XXIII